Galant Style

Melody, melody, more melody, turnips, and cabbages!  ... or, what came after the high Baroque (and Bach).  Things had become too complex (apparently) so the pendulum swung back toward something simpler to listen to and understand.  Early Music Sources explains how that worked! 

The magic table

Remember writing all of your notes for a test on a notecard in the tiniest handwriting you could manage? This chart is kind of like that. Early Music Sources explains it all, with some bonus shoutouts to Thomas Morley!


The service of Tenebrae has been my favorite Holy Week experience since I first experienced it in 2010, though I've never sung any of the exquisite settings of the Lamentations (Dear Universe... *hint*). Check out this awesome video from Early Music Sources about the Lamentations and how Lassus and Cavalieri wrote their settings!