Offertory, Victoria's Requiem

Victoria's 6-voice setting of the requiem is one of the best (with Mozart, Brahms, Fauré, Duruflé, and Howells), and the Offertory movement is my favorite (beginning at 14:41). If you haven't heard the whole work, make sure to listen to the rest of this wonderful recording!

Great King of Gods

Back in February I mentioned Gibbons' fantastic verse anthem "Great Lord of Lords" and talked about contrafacta - here's the example! This is the same anthem, played by viols rather than an organ, but with a different text.


Have you ever heard a song and thought "I know this one, but with different words"? Welcome to the world of contrafacta! Early Music Sources explains the tradition of having multiple texts to the same tune (sometimes in translation, but not always)! Plus, do you know where Morley found "Now is the month of Maying"?