Mozart Requiem

So let's talk about Mozart's Requiem!  At the time of his death, the Lacrymosa was unfinished and there was no Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei, or Communion.  Curious about how it was finished (and how many people have attempted to complete it)?  Wikipedia has a great synopsis, and IMSLP has versions of Mozart's fragments without any editorial additions.

Misconceptions about nuns

What was the best way to be a female musician in 16th-17th-century Italy? What would give you stability, an education, and ensure your compositions and performances could be heard by the world? Become a nun! Early Music Sources explores what life was really like for musician-nuns in this great video!

Context of Spem

This fantastic video from a few years back does an excellent job putting historical and musical context around Tallis' magnificent "Spem in alium"! Definitely worth the watch to learn more and see the excellent visuals (though I don't think any recording, especially one made from home recordings during covid lockdown, can compete with the incredible experience of hearing or performing this live!