
Have you ever heard a song and thought "I know this one, but with different words"? Welcome to the world of contrafacta! Early Music Sources explains the tradition of having multiple texts to the same tune (sometimes in translation, but not always)! Plus, do you know where Morley found "Now is the month of Maying"?

Galant Style

Melody, melody, more melody, turnips, and cabbages!  ... or, what came after the high Baroque (and Bach).  Things had become too complex (apparently) so the pendulum swung back toward something simpler to listen to and understand.  Early Music Sources explains how that worked! 

Misconceptions about nuns

What was the best way to be a female musician in 16th-17th-century Italy? What would give you stability, an education, and ensure your compositions and performances could be heard by the world? Become a nun! Early Music Sources explores what life was really like for musician-nuns in this great video!

Why bad performances are bad

What makes a "good" performance?
- stand as close to each other as possible
- no diminutions!
- only perform occasionally
- parts (and performers) should be in their best range
For other historical opinions about "good" or "bad" performances, check out this video from Early Music Sources! (The "good" part starts ~17:00).