Past Seasons


- An Evening of Musical Revelry: Coffee Cantata, BWV 211 (soprano soloist) - September 2022
- The Glories of Bach (ensemble) - Handel and Haydn Society, October 2022
- The Beauty of Baroque: Handel, Scarlatti, and Bach (soprano soloist) - with Robinson Pyle and Fred Jodry, October 2022
- Ghost Stores for an Autumn Night: Music of Hildegard von Bingen and stories of MR James (soprano soloist) - October 2022
- Italian Vespers: music of Cozzolani, Antegnati, and Colonna (soprano soloist) - with Camila Parias and James Kennerley - October 2022
- Mozart’s “Le Nozze di Figaro” (ensemble) - Handel and Haydn Society, November 2022
- Handel’s “Messiah” (ensemble) - Handel and Haydn Society, November 2022
- “All the Long Echoes: A Salty Solstice Celebration” (soprano soloist) - Seven Times Salt, December 2022
- Handel’s “Messiah” (soloist and ensemble) - Handel and Haydn Society, December 2022
- Handel’s Messiah (ensemble) - Handel and Haydn Society/New York Philharmonic, December 2022
- Lang’s “Little Match Girl Passion” (one-per-part) - Zenith Ensemble, February 2023
- Bach’s “St. John Passion” (soloist and ensemble) - The Bach Project, March 2023


- Victoria’s Requiem (cantor and ensemble) - The Choir of the Church of the Advent, September 2021
- It’s Not Bach: A Recital of Schumann and Gershwin (soloist) - with Andrew Sheranian, piano, September 2021
- Ghost Stories for an Autumn Night: music of Vaughan Williams, Burgon, and Hildegard von Bingen (soloist), October 2021
- A Health to the Company (soloist) - Seven Times Salt, October 2021
- Fauré Requiem (soloist and ensemble) - The Choir of the Church of the Advent, November 2021
- Handel’s “Messiah” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, November 2021
- BWV 36 “Schwingt freudig euch empor” (soloist) - Marsh Chapel Choir, November 2021
- Bach Christmas (one-per-part and ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, December 2021
- BWV 70a “Wachet! Betet! Betet! Wachet!” (ensemble) - Emmanuel Music, December 2021
- From Anticipation to Joy: Carols by Candlelight (ensemble) - True Concord Voices and Orchestra, December 2021
- Handel’s “Messiah” (soloist and ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society and Rockport Music, December 2021
- Emancipation Proclamation Celebration Concert (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, December 2021
- Haydn’s “Theresienmesse” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, January 2022
- Bach’s St. John Passion (soloist) - Schola Cantorum of Boston and Providence Baroque Orchestra, March 2022
- CPE Bach “Magnificat” and Vivaldi “Gloria” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, April 2022
- Haydn’s “Creation” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, May 2022
- “O heilges Geist- und Wasserbad”, BWV 165 (soprano soloist) - The Bach Project, May 2022
- Haydn’s Missa in Angustiis, “Lord Nelson” (soprano soloist) - The Choir of the Church of the Advent, June 2022
- So trinken wir alle: music for voices and viols (one per part) - Long and Away, June 2022


- Beauty of Baroque: Music of Handel, Scarlatti, and Bach for soprano and trumpet (soloist), September 2020
- Every Voice Virtual Recording Project (chorus) - Handel + Haydn Society, October 2020
- A Messiah for Boston Recording Project (chorus) - Handel + Haydn Society, November 2020
- Mozart’s “Spatzenmesse” (soloist) - Parish of All Saints - Ashmont, April 2021
- Haydn’s “Missa Sancti Joannis de Deo” (soloist) - St. John’s Seminary, May 2021
- A Health to the Company (soloist) - Seven Times Salt, presented online by SoHIP, August 2021
- Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony (chorister) - Handel + Haydn Society, August 2021

— Canceled due to Covid-19 —
Brahms “Ein deutsches Requiem” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society
Handel’s “Messiah” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society
Haydn’s “Maria Theresa Mass” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society
Handel’s “Israel in Egypt” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society
Haydn’s “Creation” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society
Bach’s Cantata 92 and Der Geist hilft (soloist) - The Bach Project


- A Mozart Celebration (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, October 2019
- Every Voice (soloist and ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, November 2019
- Victoria Requiem (cantor and ensemble) - Choir of the Church of the Advent, November 2019
- Handel’s “Messiah” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, December 2019
- Handel’s “Messiah” (soloist and ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society/Rockport Music, December 2019
- Handel’s “Messiah” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society/New York Philharmonic, December 2019
- Haydn’s “Lord Nelson Mass” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, January 2020
- Music of Gabrieli and Schütz for early brass and voices (soloist) - Bodie Pfost and friends, January 2020
- Dufay’s Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini (soloist) - Choir of the Church of the Advent, February 2020
- Messiah in Music and Art (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, February 2020
- Music from the Golden Age of Brass: Schütz Musikalishe Exequien (soloist) - Back Bay Chorale, March 2020
- Beethoven’s “Hallelujah Chorus” Virtual Recording Project (chorus) - Handel + Haydn Society, June 2020
- Beauty of Baroque: Music of Handel, Scarlatti, and Bach for soprano and trumpet (soloist) - August 2020

— Canceled due to Covid-19 —
Music of Gibbons, White, and Ferrabosco (soloist and ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston
Banbury Ale: Party Music from Elizabethan England (soloist) - Seven Times Salt
Bach’s St. Matthew Passion (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society
Vivaldi and Handel: Dixit Dominus (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society
Bach’s Cantata 92 and Der Geist hilft (soloist) - The Bach Project
Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass (soloist) - Choir of the Church of the Advent


- The Great Bach Concertos and Cantatas (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, September 2018
- Purcell & Byrd: fantasias and consort songs (soloist) - Sonnambula/The Henry Purcell Society of Boston, October 2018
- Ghost Stories for an Autumn’s Night: Music of Hildegard and Vaughan Williams (soloist), October 2018
- Desenclos’ Requiem (soloist and ensemble) - Choir of the Church of the Advent, November 2018
- Music for the Tudors: works of Cornyshe, Taverner, and Byrd (ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, November 2018
- Bach’s Mass in A, BWV 234 (soprano soloist and ensemble) - The Bach Project, November 2018
- Handel’s “Messiah” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, December 2018
- Holidays at the Guggenheim (soloist and ensemble) - Vox Vocal Ensemble, December 2018
- Haydn’s “Harmoniemesse” (ensemble) - Handel + Haydn Society, January 2019
- The City of Women (ensemble) - Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, February 2019
- Lidarti’s “Esther” (role of “Israelite Woman”) - Miryam Ensemble, March 2019
- Bach’s Nach dir Herr, verlanget mich, BWV 150 (soprano soloist) - Peregrine Consort, March 2019
- The Tallis Scholars at the Boulez Saal (one-per-part) - The Tallis Scholars, March 2019
- Nigra sum sed formosa: I am black but beautiful (one-per-part) - Handel + Haydn Society/Castle of Our Skins, April 2019
- Howells’ “An English Mass” (soprano soloist) - Choir of the Church of the Advent, May 2019
- Dowland’s “A Pilgrimes Solace” (one-per-part) - Long & Away, a consort of viols, June 2019


- Tchaikovsky's "The Maid of Orleans" (Angel Chorus) - Odyssey Opera, September 2017
- BWV 47 (soprano soloist) - The Bach Project, November 2017
- Handel's Messiah and Bach's Christmas Oratorio (soprano soloist) - Brown University Choir and Orchestra, December 2017
- An Eton Choirbook Christmas (one-per-part and ensemble) - Vox Vocal Ensemble, December 2017
- Holidays at the Guggenheim (chorister) - Vox Vocal Ensemble, December 2017
- The Bells of Paradise: A winter solstice concert (soloist) - Seven Times Salt, December 2017
- A French Christmas: Charpentier and Mouton (one-per-part) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, December 2017
- Ghost Stories for a Winter's Evening: Music of Hildegard von Bingen (soloist) - January 2018
- A Pilgrim's Solace: Music of John Dowland for Voices and Viols (one-per-part) - March 2018
- Voices of Angels: Music of Dufay and Horwood (one-per-part) - Vox Vocal Ensemble, April 2018
- Haec Dies: Chant and Widor's Symphonie Romane (soloist) - Notre-Dame de Paris, April 2018
- Schütz' Musikalische Exequien (one-per-part) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, May 2018
- Choral at Cadogan: Music of Tallis, White, and Sheppard (one-per-part) - The Tallis Scholars, June 2018


- Music of Schütz, Scheidt, Schein, and Monteverdi (one-per-part) - Miryam Baroque Ensemble, August and September 2016
- Monteverdi: Madrigals of Love and War (one-per-part) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, September 2016
- Music of the Four Elements (ensemble) - True Concord Voices & Orchestra, October 2016
- Mozart's Requiem (soprano soloist) - The Choir and Orchestra of the Church of the Advent, November 2016
- Tallis: Missa Puer Natus Est plus works by Taverner and Turges (ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, November 2016
- Gretchaninoff's "Passion Week" (ensemble) - True Concord Voices & Orchestra, March 2017
- Bach's St. Matthew Passion (soprano soloist and ensemble) - Brown University Choirs/Schola Cantorum of Boston, April 2017
- Bach's Cantata 21 (one-per-part) - The Borromeo Quartet and Music for Food, April 2017
- Aux Plaisirs, aux Délices, French Baroque Music for Voices and Viols (soloist) - Long & Away, May 2017
- Music of Cavalieri, Victoria, and Rossi (one-per-part) - Miryam Baroque Ensemble, June 2017


- Mozart Vespers and Requiem (ensemble) - Canticum Scholare and New York Orchestra, September 2015
- Hildegard's Ordo Virtutum (role of "Victoria") - Ensemble Musica Humana, October 2015
- Songs of the Oracle: Lassus and Byrd (one-per-part) - Tramontana, November 2015
- Byrd Mass for Four Voices, Sheppard, Tallis, and Mundy (ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, November 2015
- A Spanish Christmas (one-per-part) - Exsultemus, December 2015
- The Christmas Story: Charpentier, Schütz, and Lassus (soloist and ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, December 2015
- The Schütz Christmas Story (soloist) - Musica Nuova and The Weckmann Project, December 2015
- Out of the Shadows: Music of Women Composers (one-per-part) - Capella Clausura, February 2016
- Haydn's Lord Nelson Mass (soloist) - First Parish Watertown, March 2016
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor: Music of England's Golden Age (soloist) - Seven Times Salt, March 2016
- Madrigalia: Strozzi, Lasso, Casulana, Gesualdo (ensemble) - Capella Clausura, March 2016
- Bach's St. John Passion (soloist and ensemble) - Ensemble Musica Humana, March 2016
- Music for Royal Occasions (one-per-part) - Exsultemus, March 2016
- Bonjour mon coeur: Franco-Flemish Chansons of Love and Lust (one-per-part) - Tramontana, April 2016
- Chromatic Fantasy: The World of Čiurlionis (one-per-part) - Schola Cantorum of Boston and Aurea, April 2016
- Music from Iberia (ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, April and May 2016
- Mozart's Vesperae Solennes de Confessore (soprano soloist) - Wheaton College Chorale and Orchestra, May 2016
- Music of Air (one-per-part) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, May 2016
- Mozart's Coronation Mass (soloist and ensemble) - The Choir and Orchestra of the Church of the Advent, May 2016
- Recording Project: Exsultet (soloist and ensemble) - Capella Clausura, June 2016
- Colla Parte: 17th-century German sacred music for sackbuts and voices (one-per-part) - June 2016
- Recording Project: Music of Arye Geiman (ensemble) - Composers Choir, August 2016
- Tudoring the Queen: Music of Byrd, Wilbye, and Finzi (one-per-part) - August 2016


- The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy: Music of Gesualdo and Monteverdi (one-per-part) - Tramontana, October 2014
- The Flavors of Spain: Music of Tedesco, Morales, Guerrero (ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, October 2014
- Prière: Music of Charpentier and Lully for voices and viols (one-per-part) - Tramontana and Long & Away, November 2014
- A Celebration of Advent: Music of Praetorius (one-per-part) - Ensemble Musica Humana/Renaissance Men, November 2014
- Scenes from the Nativity: Music of Tallis and Tavener (ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, December 2014
- The Twelve Days of Christmas (one-per-part) - Meravelha, December 2014
- Lawes-a-thon: Music of William Lawes (one-per-part) - Tramontana, January 2015
- The Genius of Monteverdi (ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, February 2015
- The Capricornus Project, Recording Session (one-per-part) - Long & Away, March 2015
- A Pilgrim's Journey: Music of Distler, Vaughan Williams, and Byrd (ensemble) - Canto Armonico, March 2015
- The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy: Music of Gesualdo and Monteverdi (one-per-part) - Tramontana, April 2015
- The Tallis Scholas: Renaissance Masterworks and Spem in alium (one-per-part and ensemble) - The Tallis Scholars, April 2015
- Hildegard's Ordo Virtutum (role of "Disciplina") - Cantoris LA, April 2015
- I love a lass... English madrigals and partsongs (one-per-part) - Tramontana, May 2015
- Cantigas de Santa Maria and Cantigas d'Amigo (soloist) - Exsultemus, May 2015
- Prière: Music of Charpentier and Lully for voices and viols (one-per-part) - Tramontana and Long & Away, June 2015


- Bach's Clavierübung III Recording Project (one-per-part and ensemble) - Canto Armonico, September 2013
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor: Music of England's Golden Age (soloist) - Seven Times Salt, October 2013
- Tramontana Sings Guerrero (one-per-part) - Tramontana, November 2013
- Biber's Vesperae Longiores ac breviores (soloist and ensemble) - Canto Armonico, December 2013
- Music of William Byrd and Orlando Gibbons (soloist and ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, January 2014
- O Primavera: Music of Monteverdi and Marenzio (one-per-part) - Tramontana, February 2014
- Bach's "Singet dem Herren" (ensemble) - Schola Cantorum of Boston, March 2014
- Hildegard's Ordo Virtutum (role of "Victoria") - Ensemble Musica Humana, April 2014
- Ahi, Morte!  Music of Monteverdi and d'India (one-per-part) - Tramontana, May 2014


- Sing for a Saint: Music of Hildegard (soloist) - Concordia Consort, October 2012
- Music for Emperor Maximilian and friends (ensemble) - Ockeghem Consort, October 2012
- Music of Parry, Byrd, and Theofanidis (ensemble) - Canto Armonico, November 2012
- Bach at MIT: Christmas Oratorio (soloist) - Grand Canonical Ensemble, December 2012
- The Fourth Doctor: Hildegard von Bingen (soloist) - Meravelha, February 2013
- The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy: Monteverdi, Marenzio, and Gesualdo (one-per-part) - Tramontana, April 2013
- Grant us peace: Fauré Requiem (soloist) - MIT Symphony Orchestra, April 2013
- The Road Most Traveled: Las Huelgas, Cantigas, and more (one-per-part) - Meravelha, August 2013
- Literes' "Los Elementos" (role of "Aire") - Ibérica Baroque Ensemble, August, 2013


- Cantigas de Santa Maria (ensemble) - Ensemble Trinitas, September 2011
- A Liszt Bicentennial (ensemble) - Canto Armonico, October 2011
- Divine Radiance: Hildegard von Bingen (soloist) - Longy School of Music, December 2011
- Cesti's "Orontea" (role of "Amore") - Longy School of Music, December 2011
- Works of Rogier, Byrd, and Praetorius (ensemble) - Canto Armonico, April 2012
- Bach Cantatas at MIT: BWV 136 and 100 (soloist) - Grand Canonical Ensemble, April 2012
- The Intimate French Baroque: Rameau, Lully, and Bernier (soloist) - Longy School of Music, April 2012
- Mostly Machaut (soloist) - Longy School of Music, April 2012
- Music from the Age of Odhecaton (soloist) - Longy School of Music, May 2012
- Lauds, Loss, and Longing: Graduate Vocal Recital - May 2012
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor: Music of England's Golden Age (soloist) - Seven Times Salt, July 2012
- Naples: The Conservatory of Europe (soloist) - International Baroque Institute at Longy, July 2012
- Accademia d'Amore (soloist) - Early Music Workshop with Pacific Musicworks, August 2012


- Winter Flowers: Sense and Sensuality of the Italian Trecento (soloist) - Longy School of Music, December 2010
- Music of the German Cantata (soloist) - Longy School of Music, December 2010
- Landini, Meet Jazz (soloist) - The Broken Consort, January 2011
- Songs and Ayres of Renaissance England (soloist) - Longy School of Music, May 2011
- Music in the Papal Courts of Rome (soloist) - Longy School of Music, May 2011
- Ayres of England and Arie di Roma (soloist) - Longy School of Music at BEMF, June 2011
- A Praetorius Organ Vespers for Pentecost (soloist and ensemble) - Canto Armonico, June 2011
- Telemann's Harmonischer Gottesdienst (soloist) - Exsultemus and Newton Baroque, July 2011
- Le Parnasse François (soloist) - International Baroque Institute at Longy, July 2011

Partial 2009-2010

- Super-Bach Sunday (soloist and ensemble) - Bach Cantata Choir, February 2010
- Rossini's Stabat Mater (ensemble) - Portland Symphonic Choir and Oregon Symphony, March 2010
- Music of Bach and Allegri (soloist and ensemble) - Bach Cantata Choir, March 2010
- Music of Bach and Rossi (soloist and ensemble) - Bach Cantata Choir, April 2010
- Beethoven's 9th Symphony (ensemble) - Portland Symphonic Choir and Salem Chamber Orchestra, May 2010
- "That's Entertainment!" (ensemble) - Portland Symphonic Choir, May 2010